Sunday, December 30, 2012

Rise and Grind Routine

              I used to be a morning person. As a matter of fact: I still am - I thrive in the morning with the sun's effulgence energizing me like it does superman. However, I am just not a get-out-of-a-comfy-bed person. You know when you're getting that good sleep, swathed in your warm and plush blanket with your head nestled just right on your pillow? Who the hell wants to leave such a place - especially to go do things that aren't any fun?  Well, that is why I have my rise and grind routine. My momma used to say a hard head makes a soft ass. Well, I say, STAYING in a soft bed will keep a soft ass. Now before you get to griping, 'but men like it soft' - don't nobody want a mushy booty, you hear me? Nan one.

So, I set my phone's alarm for 5:00am (me and odd numbers) with an annoying ass tone and a droid voice that says "Get yo ass up" and I do - get up, that is. I'm not a personal trainer - just a person that's training. Nothing else can be done unless I get down on the floor and put in work.

Rise and Grind Routine: 30 mins
100 jumping jacks (to get my heart rate up)
1 minute plank (I use this as a resting pose)
High Knees - 30 secs
1 minute plank rest
100 bicycle crunches
50 W crunches
50 leg raises (I don't like to think of things in sets)
30 burpees (I don't like these too much)
1- plank rest 
Mountain climbers- 1 min

Afterwards, I can go and shower...I sure am sweaty.

Sidenote though...on a TMI tip - am I the only one that queefs when doing leg raises? YO!  Don't you dare laugh at me. Seriously, I don't have a loosey goosey coochie; I know it's caused by air being pushed up there (I googled it), but damn it if I wasn't set aback when the sound from down below rent the air of my silent bedroom. Yea, no male personal trainer if I were to ever get one ...

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