Friday, December 28, 2012


Now, as aforementioned me and food got a love thang going on that has left me with a lot more baggage (as in love handles, flab and muffin tops - sounds cute, but it isn't.) that I will be getting rid of. I have found that my main issue is not necessarily that I eat bad things, but just that I eat TOO DAMN MUCH. I mean, if I know I've got a refrigerator stocked with healthy yummies - what do I do? I get to munchin' like I never heard the trite "too much of a good thing" saying.

         I have discovered that my most effective approach to weight loss is to simply...STOP eating. I don't mean I'm going all anorexic or anything, but just that I have implemented an intermittent fasting regimen to my diet which I call the "STARS" plan. I like acronyms as mnemonic devices because it is helpful for my ADHD brain that likes to forget things.  What's the STARS plan, you ask?

Sunday Tuesday ThuRsday Saturday (added an A just to be cute).

On these days I will eat (1700 calories of healthiness) as well as go to the gym for my High Intensity Circuit Training for 90 mins. Mon, Wed, Fri. are my STOP days which I wont eat. Of course I will drink liquids such as my requisite cup of coffee in the morning and 100 fl oz of water throughout the day. I don't know why, but MWF just go together in my head - and so remembering NOT to grab something to eat on those days will easily become routine. On the days that I am not eating I will not do too vigorous exercise besides jump rope for thirty minutes which is more for my pent-up energy than fitness. I have also constructed a detailed meal plan for my ON days so there will be NO half-steppin'. I love excel, btw. I'll post that if I can. So, yea - its simple enough and easy to remember. LEGGOOOOOOO!!!

Now, I know the idea of fasting for fitness is frowned upon because it is believe to promote eating disorders. But, again...that is not the case. Some of you may think this is a fad diet for me, but its not. I am, after all a biochemistry major - so I didn't just up and decide to throw myself headlong into something without painstaking research - peer-reviewed, research, that is.

Intermittent fasting has taught me discipline and that I can survive hunger. I haven't died just because I didn't have my regularly scheduled meals. I am learning, slowly, but surely to eat to live, not live to eat. Do what best works for you.

Operation SEXY in SEVEN.

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